The weather is cold and clear. The wind died down a bit yesterday, and the temperature has been dropping a bit.
Fran (our community liaison) and I went around letting people know that I am here, and what are plans are. We are planning a community forum for next Thursday night, and found space to hold that. And we are planning three focus groups as well—one with young people, one with elders, and one more general. We hope that the focus groups will give us some feedback on the questions we are planning to ask, and help get the word out about what we are doing. I went over the survey with Fran today, and she made some important changes and additions. I am anxious to get started with the interviews, but I know that things will be busy soon (too busy), and that the preparation is going to help.
Beyond planning the project, Fran asked if I would be interested in getting out on the land while I am here. People do a lot of partridge hunting this time of year, which sounds fun, and is good to eat. The caribou are pretty far inland right now, but come closer to the coast later in the winter. It would be a cold adventure…out on skidoo for a few days…but I would love to do it if it works out. I remember going seal hunting in Alaska as one of the more amazing things I did there. My warm clothes were here waiting for me here, and are warm enough for a trip like that. I don’t have a picture of me bundled up yet, but will post one when I do.
Glad you made it. I'll have a glass of wine in your honor. Love the Riptide hat in your profile photo. This is my first foray into the social networking universe, so I wasn't prepared with a photo for my profile. God knows who I'm connected to now.